
Academic Editor

  1. Topic Editor, Frontiers in Robotics and AI. Research topic: Advances in Bio-Inspired Robotics: Innovations at the Intersection of Bionics and Cybernetics, frontiers. --Submissions Open 2025--
  2. Special Issue Editor, Biorobotic Locomotion and Cybernetic Control, Machines, August 2024 MDPI
  3. Academic Editor, Book Motion Planning, January 2022, IntechOpen
  4. Editor, Book Autonomous Robots: Control, Sensing and Perception, October 2010, Cuvillier Verlag Pub House


  1. Edgar A. Martinez Garcia (Academic Editor), Motion Planning, Intechopen, Jan 26th 2022,
    ISBN: 978-1-83969-774-6.
  2. Edgar A. Martínez García, Robotic DCVG Planning for Searching Flaws on Buried Pipelines[1], Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-330-02438-0.
  3. Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia, Numerical Modelling in Robotics[1], OmniaScience (Omnia Publisher SL), Spain, Oct. 2015 ISBN:978-84-942118-8-1.
  4. E. A. Martínez-García and L. A Torres-Mendez eds), Autonomous Robots: Control, Sensing and Perception , Cuvillier Verlag Publishing House, Germany, 2011 ISBN: 978-3-86955-866-0.

Refereed Book Chapters

  1. J. Ruiz, E. Magid, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, Hidden Markov Prediction and Fuzzy Control Obstacle Avoidance for Submarine Robot, W. Pedrycz, G. Rivera, R.M. Rodriguez, and S. Ibarra (eds) , Decision-making in Computational Intelligence-based Systems, 2025 Springer (submitted)
  2. M. Vega-Heredia, E. Lopez-Gozalez, E. Magid, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, Smart Quadruped Navigation: Dynamic Limb Adaptation for Unstructured Terrains, A.T. Azar, A. Fekik (eds) Innovations in Robotics Design, Control, and Rehabilitation Dynamics, 2026, Elsevier (under review)
  3. E. Soto-Tovar, E. Magid, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, Biomechanically Compliant Caudal Model Inspired by Cetacean Musculoskeletal Dynamics, A.T. Azar, A. Fekik (eds) Innovations in Robotics Design, Control, and Rehabilitation Dynamics, 2026, Elsevier (under review)
  4. A. Morales Gallegos, R. Torres-Cordoba, E. Magid, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, Dynamic Robot Modeling of a Joint Mechanism for Flexible Reconfiguration, Modeling, A.T. Azar, A. Fekik (eds) Modeling, Dynamics and Control Approaches for Modern Robotics, 2025, Elsevier (under review)
  5. L. Zagidullin, T. Tsoy, KH. Hsia, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, E. Magid, Chapter: Performance Evaluation of Multigrid Brute-Force Solutions of Inverse Kinematics Problem for the Robotis OP2 Humanoid Hand. Ronzhin, A., Pshikhopov, V. (eds) Frontiers in Robotics and Electromechanics. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, p. 61-75, vol 329, 2023, Springer, isbn: 978-981-19-7684-1.
  6. E.A. Martinez-Garcia, Chap. 4 Cyber-Physical Robotics: Real-Time Sensing, Processing and Actuating, Cyber-Physical Systems for Industrial Transformation: Fundamentals, Standards, and Protocols, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2023, isbn:978-10322-016-27
  7. A. Torres, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, R. Lavrenov, E. Magid, Four Wheeled Humanoid Second-Order Cascade Control of Holonomic Trajectories , Book: Artificial Intelligence for Robotics and Autonomous Systems Applications, Springer Cham, 2023 isbn:978-3-031-28714-5
  8. E.A. Martinez-Garcia, R. Lavrenov, E. Magid, Chap 7 Longitudinally variant 4W4D Robot Slipagge-based Path Tracking Control, R. Rawat, P. Bhardwaj, U. Kaur et al. (eds) Autonomous Vehicles: Smart Vehicles for Communication, Vol. 2, Wiley, 2022, isbn:9781394152254
  9. S.J. Favela, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, Rolling Biped Polynomial Motion Planning, Book: Motion Planning, pp. 1-22, IntechOpen, 2022, isbn:978-1-83969-774-6, doi:10.5772/intechopen.101606
  10. I. Carvjal Carlos, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, V.M. Carrillo Saucedo, R. Torres Cordoba, Chap: Bioinspired Robotic Arm Planning by Tau-Jerk Theory and Recurrent Multilayered ANN, Book:Deep Learning for Unmanned Systems, pp. 355-382, Springer LNCS, Germany, 2021, isbn: 978-3-030-77938-2
  11. J A Aguilera Jimenez, E A Martinez-Garcia, Chapter 16: Dynamic Modelling and Control of an Underactuated Quasi-Omnidireccional Hexapod, Handbook of Research on Advanced Mechatronic Systems and Intelligent Robotics, pp.377-400, July 2019, IGI Global, USA, isbn: 9781799801375.
  12. L.E. Castro, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, Chapter: Multisensor fusion for robotic search planning: Thermal vision and RGB-D, Top 5 Contributions in Sensor and Biosensor Technology: 3rd Edition, Avid Science, 2019.
  13. E.A. Martinez-Garcia, L.A. Torres-Mendez, Chap. 9: 4WD Robot Posture Estimation by Radial Multi-View Visual Odometry, Applications of Mobile Robots, pp. 177-198, Intech Open, Croatia, 2018, isbn: 978-1-78985-756-6, (Book Citation Index).
  14. J.U. Reyes Munoz, E.A. Martínez-García, R. Rodriguez Jorge, R. Torres-Cordoba, Chap. 8 WMR Kinematic Control Using Underactuated Mechanisms for Goal-Direction and Evasion, Book: Kinematics, pp. 147-169, IntechOpen, Croacia, 2017 ISBN: 978-953-51-5624-6 (Book Citation Index).
  15. M. Vega, E. Martinez-Garcia, R. Torres, E. Lopez, V. Carrillo, Chapter: Euler-Lagrange-based holonomic dynamic control for multi-model trajectory Book: Algebra, Sistemas dinamicos y Matematicas Aplicadas, AVANZA, Vol. 6, pp.49-61, isbn 978-607-9224-52-3, 2016.
  16. Lopez, E., Wiebe, L., Martinez, E., Torres, R., Carrillo, V., Chapter: On solutions of EDOS by infinitesimal Lie symmetries, Book: Algebra, Sistemas Dinamicos y Matematicas Aplicadas, AVANZA, Vol. 6, pp.23-45, isbn 978-607-9224-52-3, 2016.
  17. G.Santos, K.Heras, E.A.Martinez-Garcia, R.Torres-Cordoba, V. Carrillo, Chap. 2 Induced force hovering of spherical robot by underactuated control of dual-rotor, Book: Robot Control, Intech, pp.19-40, 2016, ISBN 978-953-51-2684-3 (Book Citation Index)
  18. L. Castro, E.A. Martinez Garcia, Chap.3 System of non-linear partial differential equations for recursive planning and control, Algebra, Sistemas Dinamicos y Matematicas Aplicadas, AVANZA V, Vol. 5, pp. 27-46, ISBN 978-607-9224-52-3
  19. N. Villanueva-Chacon, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, Chap. 26, Distributed robots path/tasks planning on fetch scheduling, Book Handbook of Research on Advancements in Robotics and Mechatronics, pp. 818-850, IGI Global publisher, USA, 2015, DOI:10.4018/978-1-4666-7387-8
  20. E. Martinez-Garcia, D. Uribe, E. Lopez, Velocity Kinematics Redundancy Control of Multi-Joint Manipulability Jacobians Book Algebra, Sistemas Dinamicos y Matematicas Aplicadas, Vol.III, pp. 25-51, 2013 AMS 70E60, ISBN 978-607-9224-52-3
  21. E.Lopez, L. Loeza, E. Martinez, R. Torres, Haar and Patterson-Sullivan measures on the unit tangent bundle fibers of negatively curved manifolds Book: Algebra, Sistemas Dinamicos y Matematicas Aplicadas, Vol.4, ISBN pending, 2013
  22. E. A. Martinez-Garcia, A. Zamora, D. Torres, A. Ortega, R. Torres-Cordoba and A. Martinez-Villafane Chapter 4, Modeling dynamics and navigation control of an explorer hexapod, Book Autonomous Robots: Control, Sensing and Perception, pp. 82-115, Cuvillier-Verlag Publishing House, 2011, ISBN: 978-3-86955-866-0
  23. Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia and R. Torres-Cordoba A General Reactive Motion Planning Scheme for Cyber-Vehicles in Urban Roadways Book Mechatronics Systems, Vol. Intelligent Transportation Vehicles, pp 33-50, Bentham Publishers 2011, ISBN:1879-4483, eISBN:978-1-60805-081-9
  24. Edgar A. Martínez García, A Reformulation of social potential fields for navigation algorithms of intelligent vehicles, Book Álgebras, Sistemas Dinámicos y Matemáticas Aplicadas, pp 35-56, Vol I, 2011, ISBN: 978-607-7953-47-0
  25. Edgar Martinez-Garcia, Akihisa Ohya, Shinichi Yuta, Chap. 28 A Multi-Robot System Architecture for Trajectory Control of Groups of People, Book Cutting Edge Robotics, pp. 449-466, IntechOpen, 2005, ISBN 3-86611-038-3.

Refereed Journals (selected papers)

  1. J. Samaniego, E. Lopez-Gonzalez, E. Magid, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, Spiral sowing fields wheeled robot sliding mode path-tracking, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Elsevier, 2024 (under review)
  2. I.A. Nekerov, R.N. Safin, T.G. Tsoy, S. Sulaiman, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, E.A. Magid, ROS-based Navigation in Unknown Environment with InsertBug Algorithm: Issues of Practical Usage, Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki, KFU (under review).
  3. Elvira Chebotareva, Maxim Mustafin, Ramil Safin, Tatyana Tsoy, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, Hongbing Li, Evgeni Magid, Camera-Based Safety System for Collaborative Assembly , J. of Intelligent Manufacturing, 35(8) 2024 Springer (ISI JCR)
  4. J. Dominguez, O. H. Montiel Ross, V. Carrillo, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, Oscar Castillo, Normal Attractor Intersection Based Multi-objective Optimization Using Particle Swarm Optimization, Computacion y Sistemas an Intl. J. of Computing Sci and Applications, 28(3), pp. 1613-1623 (ISI JCR)
  5. U. Castro Jimenez, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, EMG model calibration and trajectory tracking of rehabilitation exoskeleton by asynchronous tele-training, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Enginering:Imaging & Visualization, 12(1), 2401376, 2024, Taylor & Francis (ISI JCR)
  6. M. Montoya, R. Torres-Cordoba, E. Magid, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, Electromyography-Based Biomechanical Cybernetic Control of a Robotic Fish Avatar, Machines, 2024, 12, 124, p. 1-41, MDPI (ISI JCR)
  7. J. E. Lopez-Gonzalez, E. Martinez-Garcia, R. Torres-Cordoba, Pre-twisted calculus and differential equations, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, vol. 173(113757) Aug 2023, Elsevier, 2023 (ISI JCR)
  8. E. A. Martinez-Garcia, R. Lavrenov, E. Magid, Robot fish caudal propulsive mechanisms: a mini-review, AI, Computer Science and Robotics Technology, p. 1-27, IntechOpen, June 2022
  9. J. Miranda Guaderrama, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, Centipede Bio-Extremity Elastic Model Control, J. of Micro-Bio Robotics, Springer, March 2021 (ISI JCR)
  10. Ramil Safin, R. Lavrenov, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, E. Magid, ROS-based Multiple Cameras Video Streaming for a Teleoperation Interface of a Crawler Robot, J. of Robotics, Networking and Artificial Life, Vol. 5(3), pp.184-189, Atlantis Press, 2018
  11. J.Rivero-Juarez, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, L.A.Torres-Mendez, J.Rodas-Osollo, Divergent trinocular vision observers design for EKF robot state estimation, J. of Systems and Control Engineering, Vol. 233(5), pp. 524-547, Sep 2018, SAGE (ISI JCR)
  12. E.A. Martínez-García, R. Torres-Córdoba, V.M. Carrillo-Saucedo, E. López-Gónzalez, Neural control and coordination of decentralized transportation robots, J. of Systems and Control Engineering, Vol.232(5), pp. 519-549, SAGE, 2018 (ISI JCR)
  13. S. Kumar, M.R. Elara, E.A.Martínez-García, R.C. Ambrosio-Lazaro, Towards bio-inspired chromatic behaviours in surveillance robots, Robotics, 5(4), 20, mdpi, 2016 (ISI JCR)
  14. L. Castro, E.A. Martínez-García, Thermal image sensing model for robotic planning and search , Sensors, 16(8), 1253, mdpi, 2016 (ISI JCR)
  15. J.K. Sheba, R.E.Mohan, E.A. Martínez-García, L. Tan-Phuc, Trajectory Generation and Stability Analysis for Reconfigurable Klann Mechanism based Walking Robot, Robotics, 5(3),13; pp. 1-20, mdpi, 2016 (ISI JCR)
  16. J. Kulandaidaasan, R.E. Mohan, E.A. Martínez-García, Le Tan-Phuc, Synthesizing reconfigurable foot traces using a Klann mechanism, Robotica, Cambridge University Press, Vol.33, Mar 2015, doi: , (ISI JCR)
  17. E. Lerín, E.A. Martínez-García, R. Torres-Cordoba A multi-configuration kinematic model for active drive/steer four-wheel robot structures Robotica, Cambridge University Press, Vol. 33, 2015 doi:10.1017/S0263574714002938 (ISI JCR)
  18. Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia, R. Torres-Cordoba, A.Martinez-Villafane and L.F. Gabaldon Directional Fields Algebraic Non-Linear Solution Equations for Mobile Robot Planning, J. of Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol.38, Iss.21-22, pp.5298-5314, Nov. 2014, Elsevier (ISI JCR)
  19. E. A. Martinez-Garcia, L.A. Torres-Mendez, R.E. Mohan, Multi-Legged Robot Dynamics Navigation Model with Optical Flow, Intl. J. of Intelligent Unmanned Systems, Vol.2 (2), pp.121-139, 2014, Emerald, (ISI JCR)
  20. E. A. Martinez-Garcia, D. R. Uribe, R. E. Mohan, Kinematic Manipulability of Multi-Join Bio-Inspired Extremities, J. of Procedia Engineering, Vol.64, pp.1533-1542, ScienceDirect, Elsevier 2013
  21. J. Rivero-Juarez, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, L. A. Torres-Mendez, R. E. Mohan, 3D Heterogeneous Multi-Sensor Global Registration, J. of Procedia Engineering, Vol. 64, pp.1552-1561, ScienceDirect, Elsevier 2013
  22. Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia and Rafael Torres-Cordoba, Exponential Fields Formulation for WMR Navigation, J. of Applied Bionics & Biomechanics, Special Issue in Personal Care Robotics, 9(4), pp.375-397, IOS press, 2012 (ISI JCR)
  23. Edgar Martínez-García, Akihisa Ohya and Shinichi Yuta, Research on Guiding a Group of People by a Team of Mobile Robots, Intl. J. of Vehicle Autonomous Systems,4(2-4), pp 308-327, Inderscience, 2006
  24. E. A. Martínez-García, T Yoshida, A Ohya and S Yuta, Multi-robot Communication Architecture for Human-guiding, J. of Eng Manuf Part B, 219(1), pp.183-190, SAGE, 2005 (ISI JCR)
  25. Edgar Martínez-García, Akihisa Ohya and Shinichi Yuta, A People-Localization Method for Multi- Robot Systems: First Approach for Guiding-Tours, Intl. J. of Advanced Robotic Systems, 1(3), pp. 171-182, SAGE, 2004 (ISI JCR)


  1. MX/a/2008/014084, Sistema de vision activa para deteccion de fallas externas multipunto en tuberias industriales
  2. MX/a/2009/008839, Sensor de vision semiesferica con funciones de percepcion para robots moviles.
  3. MX/a/2010/001105, Dispositivo modularizado de locomocion para ruedas omnidireccionales.
  4. MX/a/2012/015247, Dispositivo aereo de sustentacion hibrida aerostatica-rotacional
  5. MX/a/2013/000881, Aparato poligonal de control y multi-sensado distribuido.
  6. MX/a/2016/003547, Aparato redundantemente actuado de cuatro extremidades autoreconfigurables.
  7. MX/a/2016/003820, Aparato subactuado de reconfiguración mecanizada para caminata bípeda
  8. MX/a/2021/004040, Aparato incubador con monitoreo remoto de huevo multiespacie con audio maternal durante desarrollo-eclosion

Refereed Conferences (Selected papers)

  1. R. Gabdrahmanov, T. Tsoy, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, E. Magid, A Tool for Mass Generation of Random Step Environment Models with User-Defined Landscape Features, 21st Intl. Conf. on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO 2024), Portugal 18-20 Nov 2024, vol. 1, pp. 511-518, Scitepress (Nominated Best Paper Award).
  2. Frolov, O., Safin, R., Tsoy, T., Martinez-Garcia, E.A., Magid, E., UAV Swarm Formation Control for Outdoor Surveillance Tasks, In: S. Shmaliy, Y. (eds) 8th Intl. Conf. on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (CCIE2024). CCIE 2024, 21-22 Jun 2024, Wuhan, China, LN in Electrical Engineering, vol 1252. pp. 364-372, Springer, Singapore.
  3. N. Imamov, B. Abbyasov, T. Tsoy, E. A. Martinez-Garia, E. Magid, Evaluation of a Weather Plugin in Gazebo: A Case-Study of a Wind Influence on PX4-Based UAV Performance, 9th Intl. Conf., ICR 2024, Mexico City, Mexico, Oct 14-18, 2024, pp. 344-356, Springer.
  4. T. Gamberov, A. Eryomin, T. Tsoy, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, Evgeni Magid, Autonomous Perpendicular Parking of a Car-Like Robot in an Unknown Environment, 10th Intl. Conf. (MMSE 2024), Paris, France, 27-28 July 2024.
  5. R. Faizullin, T. Tsoy, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, E. Magid, Potential of genetic algorithms in multi-UAV coverage problem, Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Artificial Life and Robotics 2024, vol 29, pp. 170-173, 22 Feb 2024, doi:10.5954/ICAROB.2024.OS5-5
  6. A. Alexeev, T. Tsoy, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, E. Magid, An Overview of Kinect Based Gesture Recognition Methods, Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Artificial Life and Robotics 2024, vol 29, pp. 295-299, 22 Feb 2024, doi:10.5954/ICAROB.2024.OS11-1
  7. A. Zagirov, E. Chebotareva, T. Tsoy, E. A. Martínez-Garcia, A New Virtual Human Model Based on AR-601M Humanoid Robot for a Collaborative HRI Simulation in the Gazebo Environment, 2023 7th Intl. Conf. on Info, Control, and Comm Tech (ICCT), 02-06 Oct 2023, Astrakhan, Russian Federation, doi: 10.1109/ICCT58878.2023.10347048
  8. A. Apurin, B. Abbyasov, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, E. Magid, Comparison of ROS Local Planners for a Holonomic Robot in Gazebo Simulator, Interactive Collaborative Robotics. 8th Intl. Conf., ICR 2023, Oct 25-29, 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan, LNCS,p.116-126, vol 14214. Springer, Cham. doi:
  9. S. Sulaiman, A. Nath H, A. Apurin, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, E. Magid, Trajectory planning and simulation of a custom mobile manipulator for door opening tasks using ROS, 2023 6th Intl. Conf. on Advances in Robotics, 5-8 Jul 2023, IIT Ropar, India, doi:
  10. M. Mustafin, E. Chebotareva, H. Li, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, E. Magid, OS6-4 Features of Interaction Between a Human and a Gestures-controlled Collaborative Robot in an Assembly Task: Pilot Experiments, Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Artificial Life and Robotics, Feb 9, 2023, Oita Japan, p.157-161, doi: 10.5954/ICAROB.2023.OS6-4
  11. A. Apurin, B. Abbyasov, L. Safarova, A. Dobrokvashina, T. Tsoy, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, E. Magid, LIRS-ArtBul: Design, Modelling and Construction of an Omnidirectional Chassis for a Modular Multipurpose Robotic Platform, Interactive Collaborative Robotics, 7th Intl. Conf., ICR 2022, Dec 16-18, 2022, Fuzhou, China, p.70-80, doi:
  12. S. Lychko, T. Tsoy, H. Li, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, E. Magid, ROS Network Security for a Swing Doors Automation in a Robotized Hospital, 2022 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON), Nov 17-19 2022, doi: 10.1109/SIBCON56144.2022.10002965
  13. D. Imameev, A. Zakiev, E. Magid, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, H. Li, Modelling autonomous perpendicular parking procedure for car-like robot Avrora Unior in Gazebo simulator, 2022 Intl. Conf. on Information, Control, and Communication Technologies (ICCT), Oct 3-7 2022, doi: 10.1109/ICCT56057.2022.9976618
  14. M. Mustafin, T. Tsoy, A. Martinez-Garcia, R. Meshcheryakov, E. Magid, Modelling mobile robot navigation in 3D environments: camera-based stairs recognition in Gazebo, 2022 Moscow Workshop on Electronic and Networking Technologies (MWENT), 9-11 June 2022, doi: 10.1109/MWENT55238.2022.9802368
  15. A. Apurin, B. Abbyasov, L. Safarova, A. Dobrokvashina, T. Tsoy, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, & E. Magid, LIRS-ArtBul: Design, Modelling and Construction of an Omnidirectional Chassis for a Modular Multipurpose Robotic Platform, Ronzhin, A., Meshcheryakov, R., Xiantong, Z. (eds) Intl. Conf. on Interactive Collaborative Robotics (ICR 2022) LNCS, Dec 2022, vol 13719, 2022, Springer, Cham. doi:
  16. R. Safin, T. Tsoy, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, S. Dutta Roy, S. Kumar Saha, E. Magid, Exhaustive simulation approach for a virtual camera calibration evaluation in Gazebo, 8th Intl. Conf. on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA 2022), Prague, Czech Republic, Feb 18-20, 2022, doi: 10.1109/ICARA55094.2022.9738581 .
  17. Lavrenov R., Safin R., Bai Y., Martinez-Garcia E.A., Meshcheryakov R. Graphical User Interface Design for a UAV Teleoperation, Intl. Conf.on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2022), Oita Japan Jan 20-23, p. 678-681. isbn 978-4-9908350-7-1 .
  18. Abbyasov B., Kononov K., Tsoy T., Martinez-Garcia E.A., Magid E., Experience in Efficient Real Office Environment Modelling in Gazebo: a Tutorial, Intl. Conf. on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2022), Oita Japan Jan 20-23, p. 673-677, isbn 978-4-9908350-7-1 .
  19. I. Carvajal, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, R. Lavrenov, E. Magid, Robot arm planning and control by tau-Jerk theory and vision-based recurrent ANN observer, Intl. Siberian Conf. on Control and Communications, May 13-16, Kazan Russia, 2021, doi: 10.1109/SIBCON50419.2021.9438857
  20. A. Dobrokvashina, R. Lavrenov, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, Y. Bai, Improving Model of Crawler Robot Servosila"Engineer" for Simulation in ROS/Gazebo, 2020 13th Intl. Conf. on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) England, UK, 2020.
  21. L.Gravilova, A. Kotik, T. Tsoy, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, M. Svinin E. Magid, Facilitating a preparatory stage of real-world experiments in a humanoid robot assisted English language teaching using Gazebo simulator, 2020 13th Intl. Conf. on Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE) England, UK, 2020.
  22. Cheborateva, E., Tsoy, T., Abbyasov, B., Mustafina, J., Martinez-Garcia, E.A., Bai, Y., Svinin, M., On the Problems of SLAM Simulation for Mobile Robots in the Arctic Conditions, Proc. of the 5th Intl. Conf. on Interactive Collaborative Robotics (ICR 2020), St. Petersburg, Russia, October 7-9, 2020
  23. Abbyasov, B., Lavrenov, R., Zakiev, A., Tsoy, T., Magid, E., Svinin, M., Martinez-Garcia, E.A., Comparative analysis of ROS-based centralized methods for conducting collaborative monocular visual SLAM using a pair of UAVs, Proc. of the 23rd Intl. Conf. on Climbing and Walking Robots and Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR 2020), Aug 24-26, Moscow, Russia, pp.113-120, 2020.
  24. Safin, R., Lavrenov, R., Martinez-Garcia E.A., Evaluation of Visual SLAM Methods in USAR Applications Using ROS/Gazebo Simulation, Proc. of the 15th Intl. Conf. on Electromechanics and Robotics , Ufa Russia, 15-18 Apr, pp.371-382, Springer, 2020.
  25. E.A. Martinez-Garcia, J. Dominguez, R. Lavrenov, Dynamic modelling and control of an underactuated Klann-based hexapod, 12th Intl. Conf. Developments in eSystems Engineering, Robotics, Sensors and Industry 4.0, 7-10 Oct 2019, Kazan, Russia (Winner Best Paper Award).
  26. N. Simakov, R. Lavrenov, A. Zakiev, R. Safin, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, Modeling USAR maps for the collection of information on the state of the environment,12th Intl. Conf. Developments in eSystems Engineering, Robotics, Sensors and Industry 4.0, 7-10 Oct 2019, Kazan, Russia.
  27. K. Khusnutdinov, A. Sagitov, A. Yakupov, R. Meshcheryakov, K. Hsia, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, E. Magid, Development and implementation of grasp algorithm for humanoid robot AR-601M, 16th Intl. Conf. Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, 29-31 Jul 2019, Prague Czech Republic.
  28. K. Khusnutdinov, A. Sagitov, A. Yakupov, R. Lavrenov, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, K. Hsia, E. Magid, Household Objects Pick and Place Task for AR-601M Humanoid Robot, 4th Intl. Conf. on Interactive Collaborative Robotics, 20-25 Aug 2019, LNCS, volume 11659, pp. 139-159, Istanbul, Turkey, Springer 2019, isbn: 978-3-030-26117-7.
  29. J.K. Sheba, L.T. Phucb, A.A. Salmana, S. Kumar, M.R. Elara, E. Martinez-Garcia Development of Rehabilitative Multimodal Interactive Pet Robot for Elderly Residents, Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Smart Manufacturing, Jul 19-21 2018, Chennai India, 2018.
  30. J.K. Sheba, A. A. Salmana, S. Kumar, L.T. Phucb, M.R. Elara, E. Martinez-Garcia, Behavioral Responses of Nursing Home Residents to a Robotic Pet Dog with a Customizable Interactive Kit, Intl. Conf. on Robotics and Smart Manufacturing, Jul 19-21 2018, Chennai India, 2018 (Submitted).
  31. J.A. Montes-Olguin, J. Mizera-Pietraszko, R.Rodriguez-Jorge, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, Particle Swarm Optimization as a New Measure of Machine Translation Efficiency, 9th Intl. Conf. on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition, Marrakesh, Morocco, Dec 11-13, pp. 161-170, 2018.
  32. Ksenia Shabalina, Artur Sagitov, Hongbing Li, Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia, Evgeni Magid, Virtual Experimental Stand for Automated Fiducial Marker Comparison in Gazebo Environment, Intl. Conf. on Artificial Life and Robotics, Session Mobile Robotics ,Oita, Japan, Feb 1--4, 2018
  33. E.A. Martinez-Garcia, N. Avila, R. Rodriguez-Jorge, J.K. Sheba, R.E.Mohan, E. Magid, Non Linear Fitting Methods for Machine Learning, 3rd Intl. Workshop on Signal Processing and Machine Learning Nov. 8-10, 2017, Barcelona, Spain
  34. R. Rodriguez-Jorge, E.A. Martinez-Garcia,J. Mizera-Pietraszko, J.Bila, R.Torres-Cordoba Prediction of highly non-stationary time series using neural networks, 3rd Intl. Workshop on Signal Processing and Machine Learning Nov. 8-10, 2017, Barcelona, Spain
  35. R. Rodriguez-Jorge, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, R. Torres-Cordoba, J. Bila, Mizera-Pietraszko, Wavelet and Hilbert Transform for QRS detection in Electrocardiogram Signals, 3rd Intl. Workshop on Signal Processing and Machine Learning Nov. 8-10, 2017, Barcelona, Spain(accepted)
  36. J.K. Sheba, A.A. Salman, T. Phuc Le, R.E.Mohan, E.A.Martinez-Garcia, Customizable Therapeutic Pet Robot Kit, 36th Annual Intl. Conf. on Simulation Technology, Session: Design and Control of Multi-Functional Robots, Oct 25-27, 2017 Tokyo Denki Univ., Japan (accepted)
  37. R. Rodriguez Jorge, J. Bila, J. Mizera-Pietraszko, R.E. Loya Orduno, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, R. Torres Cordoba, Adaptive Methodology for Designing a Predictive Model of Cardiac Arrhythmia Symptoms Based on Cubic Neural Unit, Proc. of the 8th Intl. Conf. on Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies, Session: Control Systems, pp. 232-241, March 29-31, Juarez Mexico 2017
  38. K.S. Kumar, M.R. Elara, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, Designing and Experimenting Bio-inspired Chromatic Behaviours in Surveillance Robot, 10th Intl. Conf. on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, to be held Dec 2-4, 2015, Singapore
  39. J.K. Sheba, M.R. Elara, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, L. Tan-Phuc, Design and Evaluation of Reconfigurable Klann Mechanism based Four Legged Walking Robot, 10th Intl. Conf. on Information, Communications and Signal Processing, Dec 2-4, 2015, Singapore
  40. M. Vega, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, R. Torres-Cordoba, Unstructured terrain adaptive navigation of self-reconfigurable quadruped robot, 11th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, Salvador, Brazil, Aug 26-28, 2015
  41. J. Kulandaidaasan Sheba, R. E. Mohan, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, L. Tan-Phuc, Energy-Efficient Legged Robots: A Review, Intl. Conf. on Creativity and Innovation for Business Sustainability, Periyar Maniyammai University Nov 2014, India
  42. S. Kumar, R.C. Ambrosio-Lazaro, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, and M. Rajesh Elara, Bio-Inspired Communication in Robots: A review, Intl. Conf. on Creativity and Innovation for Business Sustainability, Periyar Maniyammai University Nov 2014, India
  43. O. Ramirez-Martinez, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, J.K. Sheba and R.E. Mohan, Mobile Robot Adaptive Trajectory Control: Non-linear path model inverse transformation for model reference, IEEE 13th Intl. Conf. on Control, Automation, Robotics & Vision, Dec 24, Singapore
  44. J.K. Sheba, R.E. Mohan, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, Synchronization and Stability Analysis of Quadruped Based on Reconfigurable Klann Mechanism, IEEE 13th Intl. Conf. on Control, Automation, Robotics & Vision, Dec 2014, Singapore
  45. A. Maldonado-Ramirez, A. Torres-Mendez, E. Martinez-Garcia, Robust Detection and tracking of Regions of Interest for Autonomous Underwater Robotic Exploration, The Sixth International Conference on Advanced Cognitive Technologies and Applications, COGNITIVE 2014, Venice, Italy, May 25-29, 2014, pp.165-171
  46. F. Rodriguez, R. Perez-Alcocer, A. Maldonado, A. Torres, B. Bikram, E. Martinez-Garcia Vision-Based Reactive Autonomous Navigation with Obstacle Avoidance: Towards a non-invasive and cautios exploration of marine habitat, 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2014, Hong Kong, China, pp. 3813-3818
  47. J. Rivero-Juarez, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, L.A. Torres-Mendez, R.E. Mohan, 3D Heterogeneous Multi-Sensor Global Registration, Intl. Conf. on Design and Manufacturing, IConDM 2013, Chennai, India, 18-20 July 2013
  48. Diana R. Uribe and Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia, Kinematic Manipulability of Multi-Join Bio-Inspired Extremities, Intl. Conf. on Design and Manufacturing, IConDM 2013, Chennai, India, 18-20 July, 2013
  49. F.G.Rodriguez-Tellez, L.A. Torres-Mendez, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, A Fast Floor Segmentation Algorithm for Visual-based Robot Navigation, 10th Conference on Computer and Robot Vision 2013, Saskatchewan, Canada pp. 167-173, 28-31 May 2013, ISBN:978-1-4673-6409-6
  50. N. G. Villanueva and E. A. Martinez-Garcia, Tele-Robotic Distributed Architecture for Sewer Exploration, IEEE Andean Region Intl. Conf. Andescon, Cuenca Ecuador, Nov 7-9, 2012 (Winner Best Paper Award)
  51. E.A. Martinez-Garcia and L.A. Torres-Mendez, Regional Invariant Descriptors in Mobile Robotics Part II: Enhanced Detection and Matching, IEEE Andean Region Intl. Conf. Andescon, Cuenca Ecuador, Nov 7-9, 2012
  52. E.A. Martinez-Garcia and L.A. Torres-Mendez, Regional Invariant Descriptors in Mobile Robotics Part I: Stability Tracking Analysis, IEEE Andean Region Intl. Conf. Andescon, Cuenca Ecuador, Nov 7-9, 2012
  53. E. Lerin, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, and M.R. Elara, Design of an All-Terrain Autonomous Holonomic Rover 8th International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems 2012 Oct 22-24, SIM University, Singapore.
  54. E. A. Martinez-Garcia, E. Villalobos, M. C. Lara, Six-legged robot modeling with autonomous visual navigation control 8th International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems 2012 Oct 22-24, SIM University, Singapore (Nominated Best Paper Award).
  55. JK Sheeba, RE Mohan, EA Martinez-Garcia, Comparing thermography GSR and hear rate during stimulated therapeutic pet robot interaction among elderly 8th International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems 2012 Oct 22-24, SIM University, Singapore
  56. Jaichandar K. Sheba., Mohan R. Elara and Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia, Easiness of acceptance metric for effective human robot interactions in therapeutic pet robots, IEEE Conf. on Industrial Electronics and Applications 2012, Special Session on Trends in Human Robot Interaction, Singapore
  57. Sampath Kumar, Mohan R. Elara, and Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia, Development of a handheld EMG device for assesment and assistive purposes during post stroke therapy, IEEE Conf. on Industrial Electronics and Applications 2012, Special session on Trends in Human Robot Interaction, Singapore
  58. Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia, A. Martinez-Villafane, M. Rajesh Elara, Service Robot for Remote Monitoring: Pipeline Defects Search Assistance IEEE ICIEA 2012, Singapore, Singapore
  59. Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia, E. Gallegos and Jaichandar K,S., Telepresence by deploying an avatar robot with brain-robot interfacing, IEEE ICIEA 2012, Singapore, Singapore.
  60. W. Loo, R. E. Mohan, and E. A. Martinez-Garcia, Virtual game approach for rehabilitation in autistic children, 8th Intl. Conf. on Information, Communication and signal Processing, 13-16 Dec, Singapore, 2011
  61. Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia and Dulce Torres, Robot visual odometry by tracking multiple natural landmarks with invariant descriptors ROSSUM 2011, ROboticS SUmmer Meeting 2011, Veracruz, México
  62. Edgar Martinez-Garcia and Rafael Torres-Cordoba, 4WD skid-steer trajectory control of a rover with spring-based suspension analysis, ICIRA2010 International Conference in Intelligent Robotics and Applications Shanghai, China, November 10-12, 2010 ISBN: 978-642-16586-1 (Nominated Best Paper Award)
  63. Edgar Martinez-Garcia, Alfredo Mar, and Rafael Torres-Cordoba Dead-reckoning inverse and direct kinematic solution of a 4W independent driven rover, IEEE ANDESCON 2010, Bogota Colombia, September 15th-17th, 2010. ISBN: 978-1-4244-6741-9
  64. Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia Mobile robot autonomous navigation based on nonparametric scanmatching feature extraction using 2D laser scanning, Proceedings of the 12th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice Nov 4-7, 2007, pp. 787-793, Cancun, Mexico. ISBN: 978-0-9654506-3-
  65. Edgar Martínez-García, Akihisa Ohya and Shinichi Yuta, Crowding and Guiding Groups of Humans by Teams of Mobile Robots, IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impact 2005, June 12-15, pp 91-96, Nagoya Japan.
  66. Edgar Martínez-García, Akihisa Ohya and Shinichi Yuta, Trajectory Control for Groups of Humans by Deploying a Team of Mobile Robots, 12th International Conference on Advanced Robotics July 18-20th, pp. 733-740, Seattle, Washington.
  67. Martínez-García Edgar, Ohya Akihisa, Yuta Shin'Ic, Recognition of People's Positioning by Cooperative Mobile Robots for Human's Group Steering, 5th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation (CIRA2003), pp.758-763, July 16-20, 2003, Port Island KOBE Japan.

Preprinted Articles and Public Datasets

    Preprinted Articles

  1. J. Ruiz Holguin, E. Magid, E.A. Martinez-Garcia (2025). Obstacle Avoidance Using Markov Chains and Fuzzy Control for an Underwater Robot. Posted: 17 January 2025. Preprints 2025, 2025011308. doi: 10.20944/preprints202501.1308.v1
  2. A. Morales Gallegos, R. Torres-Cordoba, E. Magid, E.A. Martinez-Garcia (2024). Design and Analysis of Modular Mechanisms for Flexible Reconfiguration in Robotics. Posted: 18 March 2024. engrxiv Engineering Archive.
  3. U. Castro Jimenez, E.A. Martinez-Garcia, EMG model calibration and trajectory tracking by remote rehabilitation exoskeleton. Posted: 19 January 2024. Preprints 2024, 2024011415.
  4. M.A. Montoya, R. Torres-Cordoba, E. Magid, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, EMG-Based Biomechanical Cybernetic Control of an Avatar Robotic Fish, Posted: 10 January 2024. Preprints 2024, 2024010847.
  5. J. Samaniego, E. Lopez-Gonzalez, E. Magid, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, Path-Tracking in Double Spiraliform Sowing Fields with Agricultural Robotics. Posted: 30 Sep 2023. Available at SSRN:
  6. E. Lopez-Gonzalez, E. A. Martinez-Garcia, R. Torres-Cordoba, Pre-Twisted Calculus and Differential Equations. Posted:28 Jan 2023. Available at SSRN:
  7. Public Datasets

  8. Castro Jimenez U., Martinez-Garcia, E. A. (2024). EMG model calibration and trajectory tracking by remote rehabilitation exoskeleton, [Data set] Zenodo. Uploaded Jan 18 2024.
  9. Montoya, M. & Martinez-Garcia, E. A. (2024). EMG-based biomechanical cybernetic control of an avatar robotic fish, [Data set] Zenodo. Uploaded Jan 12 2024.