Call for papers
This SI welcomes, but is not limited to, contributions from the following topics: Hybrid and multimodal locomotion of crawling, walking, swimming and flying robotics; the analysis and modeling of aerodynamics, hydrodynamics and terradynamics for biorobotic motion planning; structures modeling and biomechanics of robot fish, amphibious robots, ornithopters, multilegged and crawling machines; and locomotive functions, such as neuro cybernetic behavioral skills, robotic artificial life, neural sensorimotor tasks, synthetic intelligence, evolutionary robotics and control engineering.
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 August 2024Published Books
Robotic DCVG Planning for Searching Flaws on Buried Pipelines Link
Edgar A. Martínez García
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, January 2017
ISBN 978-3-330-02438-0

Book's contents
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- Chapter 2. Measurement Models
- Chapter 3. Volumetric Potential Functions
- Chapter 4. Nonlinear Motion Equations
- Chapter 5. Robot Search Navigation
- Summary and Conclusion
E. Martínez García
OmniaScience, Spain, October 2015
ISBN 978-84-942118-8-1

Book contents
Part I: Robot Sensing Models
- Chapter 2. Sensing Models in Robotics
- Chapter 3. Multisensor Registration
- Chapter 4. Visual Invariant Descriptors
Part II: Robot Sensing Navigation
- Chapter 5. Multi-Legged Obstacle Avoidance
- Chapter 6. Navigation using Exponential Derivatives
- Chapter 7. Exploration and Search Robot Navigation
- Chapter 8. Multi-Robot Path/Tasks Planning
Part III: Trajectory Control
- Chapter 9. Non-Linear Reference Model Trajectory Control
- Chapter 10. All-Active 4-Wheel Kinematics
- Chapter 11. Control of a Self-Configurable Quadruped
Part IV: Modelling Walking Robots
- Chapter 12. Direct/Inverse Analysis of Redundant Walking Robots
- Chapter 13. Under-Actuated Jansen-Based Robot Control
- Chapter 14. Reconfigurable Gait Patterns of a Klann-Based Robot
- Chapter 15. Analysis and Modelling of a Hoekens-Jansen Biped
Part V: 3D Robot Modelling
- Chapter 16. Modelling a Hexapod-Type Amphibious Robot
- Chapter 17. Hovercraft Dynamic Modelling
Citing this book (bibtex)
author = {Edgar A. Martinez-Garcia},
title = {Numerical Modelling in Robotics},
publisher = {OmniaScience},
year = {2015},
address = {Spain}
E. Martínez-García and A. Torres-Méndez
Cuvillier Verlag, Germany, September 2011
ISBN 978-3-86955-866-0

Book contents
- Chapter 1. A proposal for dealing with long delay in teleoperation systems
- Chapter 2. Fuzzy and exponential PD controllers for a class of walking robots
- Chapter 3. Self-deploy in mobile sensor networks for survillance and rescue scenarios
- Chapter 4. Modeling dynamics and navigation control of an explorer hexapod
- Chapter 5. A geometric radial basis function network for on-line estimation of screw transformations
- Chapter 6. An approach to improve real time speed estimation from encoder readings
- Chapter 7. Visual geometric entities for orientation, relocalization and navigation
- Chapter 8. A survey for vision-based tasks on humanoid robots
- Chapter 9. A biologically-inspired robotic vision system for tracking fast moving objects
- Chapter 10. Intelligent home navigation system for the elderly and physically challenged
Citing this book (bibtex)
author = {Edgar Martinez-Garcia and Abril Torres-Mendez},
title = {Autonomous robots: Control, Sensing and Perception},
publisher = {Cuvillier Verlag},
year = {2011},
address = {Gottingen, Germany}/p>
On the News
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- Revista de Difusión: Roboteknia. No. 1 Noviembre 2011. Pág. 18-19 Robots móviles: Funciones que son fundamentales.
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